Read Laura Oliver's summary , replay our recording or Joanna Geary's Bambuser videostream - and, if any of the points raised have got you thinking, feel free to post a note here (or a link to your site).
Amongst the many points that has got us thinking is this: The challenge, as Simon Reynolds pointed out, is not only what we - news executives, editors, journalists and educators - should do going forward, but also what we should stop doing. What's on the top of your list?
Diary date: The 11th Forum, scheduled for 3rd February 2009, will be presented in conjunction with the North West chapter of the UK Society of Editors. For more information or to be added to the mailing list, send a note to leaders [at] .
Also: For a report on the day's [excellent] Digital Editors Network meeting, check out Sarah Hartley's [very useful] blog.